It started as a child. I’d scour dictionaries, enchanted by the meaning and histories of words. I still am. And I still scour dictionaries.

Words are magic. They have the potential to touch our lives – to even change our lives.

Remember those sweet, sticky words whispered to you late at night in the arms of someone you loved?

Or the time that someone rattled your soul with cruel, abusive and cutting words?

There’s power in words. They can put a spell on us and weave us into possibilities. Or into despair.

Words are magic.

So it’s no surprise that three years ago, I was allured by the idea of choosing a “Word of the Year” in January as an alternative to setting resolutions. Resolutions didn’t ever stick, but a word? Oh, a word might just entice me to stay devoted and committed. The word (or words) chosen are meant to be a guiding light to help direct you during your year.

As you adopt your word(s) (some people have three words, like a mantra, others have up to four…it doesn’t matter), you can use them to make decisions, create plans and strategies, to have as a touchstone to see if you’re on track with the goals you want to embody over the year.

My words have been the theme for my work and personal strategy. They’re utilized as a tool to check-in and see if I’m in alignment with what I’m creating.

The first year was Ignite + Glow.
Year two? True North. 
This year? Gentle Effervescence.

Their deep and personal meaning provided just what I needed to gain momentum personally and professionally … with profound impact.

But how do you come up with a word of the year? 

I struggled the first year, but was fortunate to have the loving support of sisters who took a creative business ecourse run by Kelly Rae Roberts. (We’re all still connected.)

They generously shared resources and their experiences or processes with finding a word; in fact, a resounding number said the word(s) would find them. This, too, has been my experience.

I talk about that in the workbook I just created for YOU so you can have a step-by-step process for coming up with your own word.

Click here to get the free workbook, “YOUR MAGICAL WORD(S).

All the resources that I’ve been fortunate to find over the years are pulled together in one, beautiful, fun, and soulful workbook to help you find your word(s) of the year.

This year’s words
Gentle Effervescence are my words … and they certainly surprised me. While I knew that I wanted to have more energy, more connections, to sparkle a bit more professionally + personally, I couldn’t really “see” myself as “effervescent.”

It’s as if the universe knew this and handed me – quite gently – the qualifier “gentle.”  I wouldn’t be able to pull off being BOLDLY effervescent. It’s just not who I am. But gently effervescent? Yes, I can get behind that. Thank you, Universe.

There are two other words this year, too, which are combined with my words of the year; they are my “core desired feelings” – something that I discovered by going through Danielle LaPorte’s book, “The Desire Map.”

So my north star leading me with all its magical twinkles and alchemical concoctions is:
Generous Devotion (to) Gentle Effervescence

It’s my hope that if you haven’t discovered your own word(s) of the year, that you’ll download the beautiful workbook and that by doing so, you will have your own north star, your own guide post, to help you throughout this year.

It will make a difference, I promise.

P.S. If you’re already signed-up for my newsletter (the Love Notes), then you’ll receive the free downloadable workbook in the next one.

P.P.S Some lovely blog posts from my beautiful friends who wrote about their word of the year:
Monica Martin, mixed media artist at The Artsy Girl Studio. Word: Purpose
Michelle Reynolds, an artist in Australia at Shells in the Bush. Word: Focus
Rene’ Savoie, an artist at Peabody Designs. Word: Fearless.
Philippa Ramsden, an incredible writer in Yangon, Myanmar, at Feisty Blue Gecko. Words: Breathe, Stargaze, and Realise.
Galia Alena, a soulful mixed media artist in Australia. In fact, she’s having a giveaway! Go to her site right away + you enter to win a customized piece of art that reflects your word of the year for your altar!

Have you chosen a word for the year? Please share it below in the comments! If you’ve written a blog post about it, please place a link to it there, too so you can get some comment love.