We live in a world of systemic disconnection … a disconnect from ourselves, one another, all creatures, Source, and the very land we live on.


This disconnect is the root of all pain we see and experience. When we feel disconnected, we feel alone, ungrounded, untethered.


…Perhaps like we don’t belong.


I believe this systemic disconnection is one of the greatest myths we’ve ever told ourselves as a species.


I’m not quite sure how we got here, but along the twisty way, we forgot the truth:


We’re interconnected and interrelated

to everything and everyone.   


I’ve noticed that when we feel this disconnect, we minimize our self-expressions.


We don’t tell the truth all the way. We hold back.


It starts out with “little” things.


We say yes when we mean no.


We say “I don’t care” when a loved one asks us what we want for dinner (when we really want pizza—with extra cheese, please!)


We overextend ourselves financially or with our time.


Pretty soon, we do this more and more and with bigger things.


Maybe we convince ourselves we’re happy in our marriage when we aren’t.


Maybe we tell ourselves we’re happy in our jobs when we aren’t.


Maybe we just say we’re happy when we aren’t at all.


Maybe we don’t report that act of violence we witnessed.


Maybe we don’t report the bullying or abuse we experienced.


Maybe we don’t stand up for something we believe in at the risk of being ridiculed or called out.


Maybe we just shutdown. 


Eventually, we stop telling our truth and find it challenging to connect to what our truth really is.

…We forget ourselves.


…And then, things fall apart.


We begin making choices that are out of integrity with our beliefs. We feel our beliefs are nebulous, anyway.


We might not even remember what brings us joy, what makes us happy.


(What DOES make you happy?

What DOES bring you joy?

Do you remember?

If so: Say it! Claim it! Do it!)


Connecting to ourselves and expressing who we truly are—and what we most need to say—is the way forward.


It’s our liberation as individuals, as a species, as a world. 


Remembering the so-called little things … to watch that sunset, to use freshly ground coffee instead of the packaged stuff, to embrace your child just a little longer, to really smell the freshly cut grass … connects us each day, in a myriad of ways, to ourselves. 


Whatever it is that connects you, do it. And do it all the way.


It brings you home to yourself. To all of us.


It propels us toward greater expansion, while strengthening our inner-trust and inter-trust.


If we do not express ourselves authentically, then how can we expect others to trust us?


How can we trust ourselves?


How can we trust one another? 


When we express ourselves authentically, we realize we aren’t disconnected or separate.


We realize we belong because we see ourselves in others.


We remember who we are.


When we remember who we are and feel connected.


We remember we are connected with the entire world and everything in it, too.


We are not alone.


It’s not even possible…


And let’s face it, we could all do with feeling that innate sense of truly belonging and being interconnected.


…Because the feeling of disconnect and isolation, of not belonging—or that only some of us are deserving of this while others aren’t—is pervasive in every corner of the globe.


Why else are we having wars and children are shooting children at schools?


We’ve forgotten that we belong to eachother.


This truly breaks my heart. It causes such pain in our world.


In our communities.


In our families.


In our hearts.


So, how do we come back from this?


We begin connecting with ourselves and expressing what’s true in our hearts.


I know: That takes a bit of courage.


Start “small.” 


Say no.


Get off social media when you’re tired and do what it is your body and soul is asking of you.


Reschedule that appointment that you’re dreading (because you’re overtired) for a few more days so you can take care of yourself and rest.


Ask for a hug.


And if you’re feeling really brave, write that text or make that phone call you’ve been meaning to do … you know the one … the one where you tell the truth.


Tell your truth.


Express yourself.


It just might save your life.


It might just bring us all back to eachother.