To get here—to where you are right now—much had to be released.

This is always the way.

It’s necessary to make space for the passionate heart to take root and grow.

Perhaps, this year, you’ve faced challenges that pulled on you and weighed on you deeply.

Give yourself a moment to appreciate your precious tenderness.

Your fierce strength.

Your soft grit.

You’re so strong.

You’re so wise.

Your body has guided you. You’ve not been misled.

Look—look around you.

Look—look within you.

Do you see how beautiful you are?

It takes courage to walk a path of wild sensitivity.

To feel, to honor, to praise the untamed part of you who needs freedom to be in full, soulful expression.

And it takes even more courage to do this in a way that doesn’t burn down the house. That respects and honors those around you, without losing yourself along the way.

As much as you’ve grown and experienced this year, you may be noticing a few little insecurities or fears rearing their heads. The “ouchie” parts of you that perhaps you thought were already healed.

It’s OK.

We all have them … we’re human … and as much as we’d rather ignore them, those wounds come to us as teachers … showing us the parts of ourselves that still want a little bit of love.

So, yes—you’re recognizing all of your incredible growth AND you’re noticing a couple little scars.

Will you love them?

Will you make something beautiful from them?

When you’re honest with yourself about your vulnerabilities, you can wrap them in your beautiful arms, make love to them.

Allow passion’s fire to rise up through you—an autumn orange flame of life—to consume, with love, these tendrils of old hurt, scars, and bruises that are tenderly showing themselves to you now.

See yourself as a body of love.

Feel yourself as a body of love.

Walk in your skin as a body of love.

photo by @jennapullenphotography