Sacred Erotic & Ecstatic Intuitive Poetry

How Do You Dream at Night?

How do you dream at night? Do the stars bow to your feet? Do they kiss your honeyed-lips? I want to step inside your sky, write your name upon the moon, taste the milk in my hair, and your hands in my heart. This is how I belong to you - inside you, within you. This...

Poem for When We Hurt

And this earth aches more today. And this land shakes more today. And this eruption of chaos /of undulating pain/ screeches a little more loudly today. And this, each day. Each day: Tremors. Shaking. The fallen ice of children’s tears. And I want to caress the bruised...

On the Night the Stars Were Born

On the night the stars were born I made love to you. I filled you with desire, hope, tender embrace. The moon shone her light of graceful hope into your eyes and I gathered you in my arms. ©Rebecca Cavender


I breathe through your vast sky colored the flame of fire: a joyous reunion a portal to ecstasy.  Immersed in your vision, I touch starlight nights (my fingertips buzz) It becomes my companion, soothing the memory of old aches, encircling me in the taste of home....

Light in the Dark

LIGHT IN THE DARK My breath opens to you, crystalline— suspended in the dark winter night in between there and here not present, not past— a holding pattern, paused in time, reaching toward the radiant heart kept warm by the drumming fires of old Come, sit with me...

Ancestor Ocean

The ocean is our ancestor. And our blood ancestors remind us that “The Great Birth of Creation” came from the waters: Waters carried from all sides of the earth. Water carried from joy, from heartbreak. Water bubbling with life—with väki, with awen. Go to the waters....


The air is thick with light:      heat, bright as a sun-torched gord                  (a drinking well,                  deep with thought,                  an expression of your truth,                                          your surrender,                          ...

I Want to Sing in You

My hips sway to your music: the way you play inside my heart, strumming chords of a symphonic fire, composed by your touch. I want to sing in you, rise up your spine through your fingertips out your throat a union without words only sound only love only grace....


I bring you in my heart doors slam like crashing waves one     after     another to keep you safe, to keep you well from the storm— A sweet cottage, nestled in the mountains gentle hills, roaring fire tea whistling—a prompt to come closer... I grasp my fingers around...


You are held in the light of love, the grace of all, the surrender of rapture. Lay your head upon my soft lap: Rest here. The scent of sweet lemon, a balm to your soul: golden light of ease, blooms within the sharp edges of your tired eyes. Sigh here.  The world seems...


You light the fire of my heart: tender and warm, a flame to be reconciled.  Do you open yourself to the splendor of possibilities,  the rapturous heat awaiting you? You speak in tongues and whispers, fingertips and salt.  In between, a silence: then crack  like frozen...

It’s All Music

Light pours through my heart, a beacon of sun radiates bliss across my fingertips and touches your favorite sound: - words of love we whisper - cadence of poetry on our tongues It's all music. An electric sun-ray of hope and generosity, a sanctuary of remembrance, a...

You Are the Song of Love

You are the song of love. You vibrate in my heart, through my deepest wisdom, through the echoes of my bones. I know you. I remember you. I see you here. We sit across from one another a blessing of the Beloved a blessing to be reunited. You play my song. You play my...

Poem for Remembering: Mourning

Find the center of mourning. Gently press your palm upon it. Hear its sharp rhythm, its slicing moan, its cry of release —Even when you feel the scrape of humanity etching hurt across division lines —Even when your body reveals fallow aches, secrets buried in plain...

Enter Me

Enter me, the Cosmic Womb of Love, the Primordial Mother of All. I am the Universal Shakti, the Everlasting Light of Life. Feed from me. I offer you the honey-crystals of sweet surrender. I give you your life to suckle from me. I am yours to take: the embodiment of...

I Want to Sing in You

My hips sway to your music: the way you play inside my heart, strumming chords of a symphonic fire, composed by your touch. I want to sing in you, rise up your spine through your fingertips out your throat a union without words only sound only love only grace....

How Do You Dream at Night?

How do you dream at night? Do the stars bow to your feet? Do they kiss your honeyed-lips? I want to step inside your sky, write your name upon the moon, taste the milk in my hair, and your hands in my heart. This is how I belong to you - inside you, within you. This...