The wild feminine doesn’t always look pretty.

She doesn’t always magnetize you with her sweet, languid voice, her seductive scent (the one that draws you closer),her eyes that illuminate and amplify a soft love when she gazes upon you.

Sometimes, she’s that.

Other times, she beckons you closer, inviting you into her deep world—

where Earth & Sky make love inside her body …where her body IS land and star, dirt and mica, where she creates new worlds, new visions, new hopes, new desires, new life.

She’ll initiate you into her voluptuous power.

You can choose to surrender to its ability to fuel, to heal…


you can fear its intensity and shut down, shut out.

The wild feminine can fiercely cast her eyes upon the direction she’s going, cutting away the bullshit that has seemingly ensnared her, for she cannot be caught, owned, contained, or tamed.

She knows that her body elucidates when the time’s up to stop fucking around with sacrificing herself at the fires of dishonor—whether she has dishonored herself or been dishonored by another.

She pulls in her land-body power—her primal wisdom—sucking it up her vitu*, the lovi* within her (her REAL power!), fortifying her for the truth, facing it straight ahead, and moving on.

She can burn it all down with a click of her tongue, anoint herself with the ashes, and the winds will come to celebrate her.

Yet, if she does this, it’s from immense love and a recognition she’s creating something anew.

She stays present and doesn’t abandon herself.

The wild feminine is never just one thing.

She is ALL of it.





Vibrantly erotic.

Permanently impermanent.



Connected to the wild home within her.

Her body, the Earth; its core, her heart; the void, her womb.


*Vitu is a Finnish word for c*nt.

*Lovi is a Finnish word for opening/portal.