A Wailing Song for George Floyd 


When you close your eyes to listen, 

what do you hear? 


Do you hear his name on the horizon

    where ocean meets sky

    where seagulls take flight and spread their wings like angels?


Even the orca hear his cries:

they sing his soul song to whale

who carries it to eagle

who tells crow

who tells cedar

and wind tells us


another brother, another sister, another life

stepped on    grabbed    thrown        broken


When you open your eyes to listen,

what do you hear?


Do you hear their names carried beyond the thick veil?


Weeping willow (over.and.over) holds 

the mothers    

the daughters

the grandmothers 

as their wails echo across the old land to the new land to the old land to last year to this year to next year

handcuff by handcuff 

shot by shot


And their hearts burn

And the rage burns

And the buildings burn


Burning the fires of inequity until a beacon signals the true story 

of how even the ants mourned when the lost ones were stolen from home.

Unsure of the new work, the new way, the new course forward

the ants

dove to the waters 

where seagull heard the grief 

and carried it to orca

who took it to whale

who told eagle

who sang it to crow

who cawed to cedar

who cried to wind

who whispered to us


When we listened. 

©Rebeca Cavender
May 2020