Image of me, twirling hair (stimming), all sparkled up, expressing myself

Over the past several years, I’ve become more clear about my purpose:

Catalyzing and honoring our sacred self-expression so that we feel free and know we belong—to ourselves and to one another.

What is sacred self-expression?

How is it different from ordinary self-expression?

All self-expression is important. Vital, even.

Without it, we begin showing up inauthentically in the world. We bend ourselves to fit in, constantly worrying about what others think, wondering if we’re “getting it right” with our families, our relationships, our friendships, and at work.

This prevents us from trusting our inner wisdom and listening to what is true in our hearts.

Instead, we constantly look outside ourselves—to societal norms, to “experts,” leaders, so-called authorities, and even loved ones—seeking their truth, validation, and affirmation … as if there is just a one-size-fits-all way of being.

We’re socialized at a very young age to step away from ourselves and follow the crowd, conforming and contorting ourselves so that we belong to the group and don’t stand out … otherwise, we may not feel like we’re part of whatever subculture we belong to.

Our passions take a side seat. Our desires become cold. We stay busy to keep us forgetting what it is we really want, in hopes that we don’t have to face it, deal with it, say it … do something about it.

Because, you know, the moment we listen to what’s true in our hearts, things change. We can’t go back. We can’t continue ignoring our truth.

Eventually, no matter how diligent we are in trying to ignore ourselves, we can’t escape ourselves or our feelings.

They always find a way out.

…Sometimes not in the most graceful way. Sometimes, rather angrily.

We get fed up, frustrated. Burst. Explode.

Implode, meltdown, shut down.

The pressure rises and something has to give.

With sacred self-expression, there’s a practice of listening. Listening to ourselves.

We tend this. Cultivate and nurture it. It means slowing down for a moment to become present within ourselves.  

Our hearts yawn, stretch awake, smiling to greet us like a daffodil or sunflower, reaching for the sky. There’s an opening there where we feel peace, perhaps joy … and love.

When we feel that, that little sweet spot, we begin to listen.

This listening feels different from the buzzing of our brilliant minds—which I’m not dismissing.

This is our inner knowing, our wisdom, spirit, God/dess, the Holy Ghost, your higher self, the Universe, your guides, your ancestors … whatever name you choose.

For the time being, let’s just call it your sacred self. I mean: You are sacred. You are miraculous.

Maybe you’ll breathe with me here for just a moment and feel the love within your heart. The joy. The peace. The safety.

You can trust this. This speaks truth to you. This provides benevolent guidance and outstretched arms of courage, balance, possibility.

When we express ourselves from this place, things change within and around us.

A strength is ignited because we’re honoring who we are … and doing so may look very different from what the rest of the world is saying or doing.

This doesn’t matter.

What only matters is that you tend to your listening.

…Slow down long enough to do this.

This is the self-expression that changes our lives. That gives us the courage to say no. That gives us the strength to say, “This is not OK with me.” That provides the fortitude to leave a job or start expressing your soul in the way that brings you the most joy…

Maybe this means getting that cello out of your storage unit.

Buying new paint supplies.

Writing in your journal.

Singing in the car.

Building furniture.

Creating a photo album.

Hiking in the woods.

Completing that song you were composing.

Telling someone you love them.

Saying you’re sorry.

Holding a hand.

Watching the sun rise across a beautiful horizon morning.

Kissing your lover.

Flapping your happy hands.

Looking you child in the eyes.

Petting your dog or cat.

Literally smelling the roses.

Coming out—in whatever what you’re needing to!

We all have something we’ve tucked away that makes us feel connected to ourselves—really true and free—and connected to something beyond us as individuals.

What is that for you?

What have you tucked away?

What will you take out and hold in your hands, honoring and loving, as a way to fully express what is truly within your heart?

That thing you’re sweetly, unapologetically placing back in your hands? That’s what interests me.

It’s our sacred self-expression. Our unique, personal truth that lets us know we are free and belong.  

There are so, so many reasons why this is profoundly important to me … but that’s a story or two for another day.

Until then … thank you for reading and for being here.

I hope you listen to yourself today … and express whatever your heart desires in that moment.