Today’s post is just for fun, really. It’s a way to let you know what I’m up to while introducing you to other wonderful writers and creative types through a “Blog Hop.” You can read more about five different wonderful creatives (three of which asked me the following questions) at the end of the post.
What am I working on?
Coaching: I’m creating a program to re-ignite
sensuality as a way of practicing self-love and care while being more present in our lives. I’m also coaching clients on a variety of topics.
Writing: I’m writing a lot about being
single and dating after divorce – without getting hung up on body image. I’m also outlining a book about relationships.
With both, the overall theme is relationship: relationship with self; with family; with friends; with lovers. I devour books (I’m reading about 4-5 right now!) about relationships and specifically the dynamic between the masculine and the feminine. I believe understanding this can bring a lot of healing to ourselves and our relationships with others; my aim is to share this with those who either hire me as their coach or read my work.
My plan is to offer self-paced courses or products on my site soon about relationships, sensuality, and loving yourself –
no matter what size you are – even if you’re a big girl like me!
I’m hired also to do technical writing or to edit others’ work. I’m always happy to take on these assignments.
How does my work differ from others of its genre?
I write and coach about relationships from the point of view that we can live from a place of love. That we, inherently, are love. We often say that being more compassionate, kind, generous, forgiving, and vulnerable is brave. When someone has betrayed your trust or hurt you deeply, it can feel brave to step into love instead of holding onto feeling angry and rejected for a long time. Yet, I believe that when we choose to live our lives in love, we’re really just bravely stepping into who we truly are.
Often, we live our lives from a place of fear which ends up looking like feeling alone, sad, reluctant, scared, and as though things aren’t fair. We all feel that way at times and it’s completely OK; it’s part of being human. Often life isn’t fair! That, too, is part of being human. So, I write honestly and compassionately about when things feel dark and glum – when things are not so rosy – that it’s also a loving act of self-kindness to allow ourselves to experience whatever it is we are feeling. By doing so, by being truthful about how we’re feeling right now, the difficulties can pass through more quickly (sometimes in minutes!) rather than burying it down within us…
I don’t think we should be afraid of the dark. When we’re feeling not-so-whole, when we feel a little lost, that can serve as a wake-up call, pointing us to what it is we do want, how we do want to feel. Then we can make the necessary adjustments to have what we truly desire.
Why do I write + coach?
It’s what I love. What I’m passionate about it. It’s who I am. It’s what I’m supposed to do. It’s my purpose.
How does my writing + coaching process work?
Oh, it depends on what I’m writing about or who I am coaching; but with both, before I sit down to write or before I sit down with a client, I take a few breaths and hope whatever I say or whatever I write will help someone. That it will touch someone’s heart – even in a small way – so that perhaps something shifts in them. A place that was hidden becomes illuminated. A bit of light shines in.
In terms of coming up with ideas: I have them frequently. They often just pop in my head or come about based on conversations I’ve had with others. Perhaps a friend asked my advice on something and that sparked an idea. A client may have a specific area they want to work on, so I develop tools and resources for them to help support their journey.That often will give me an idea of something to write about. It’s all quite symbiotic. That’s how creativity works, I think.
Everything else is just detail. For poetry, I must write on paper with a pen. Usually sprawled across my bed. For blog posts, books, articles, technical writing … then it’s all at the computer. When editing, I print out what has been written (either my own work or someone else’s) and do it by hand, on paper. Then go back to the computer. When writing for others (blog posts or documents they might hire me for), I print materials, I take copious notes and draw diagrams for me to isolate the themes, and then start typing away.
The Creatives!
I’m excited to pass you onto the following people that you can check out and learn more about. The first three asked me to participate in this Blog Hop and the other two are fabulous writers I’m passing the baton onto.
Cliff Lonsdale:
Cliff is a writer and development consultant currently living in Myanmar with his wife and two dogs; prior to this he lived in Africa for several years. Cliff spends a large proportion of his life bouncing around in the back of a car on dirt roads; he tends to have quite a lot of time to contemplate life. His utterings, mutterings and general musings on this and many other matters can be found at
Light chaser, wanderlust gypsy, clay slinger, paint splasher, word crafter, sacred journaler, beauty unveiler, adventure seeker and soul feeder.
Galia Alena is a “coeur”ageous pioneer artist with a poetic vision exploring intuitive wisdom. Her images evoke tranquillity and infinity, coaxing the viewer to participate into the self-exploration which successfully ties the lyrical to the universal. They reflect an understanding of mythical and archetypal wisdom common to us all, yet from a supremely vulnerable individual perspective. “It is through my creative practices that I feed my soul and return to myself always afresh.” She is a photographer by trade and mixed media artist by practice and shares some of her gifts in several online courses or in live groups: &
Suzanne McRae:
Suzanne is a writer and shares passionately about her spiritual, healing and creative journey through life. She’s a stay-at-home mom and caregiver for their adult son who has autism. After his diagnosis she went seeking answers and found herself in a place where she realized had very little to do with him. This brought her on her spiritual journey of discoveries, personal growth and transformation.
Suzanne is a Karuna Reiki Master and most recently is finding her way into Shamanism. You can also find her painting, gardening, and enjoying photography in her spare time.
Bonnie James:
Bonnie is a writer and an artist, but her favorite titles are wife and mother of two. Much of her time is spent keeping up with her young sons, but in quieter moments you’ll find her working on one of her books or playing in her craft room. Her contemporary romance novel, JUST BREATHE is available in paperback and e-book through your favorite bookseller.
Laura Moss:
Laura Moss is beyond grateful to be able to say she has survived being Mom to four spirited girls, a battle with aggressive breast cancer, and some difficult seasons in her almost-25-year marriage. She calls herself a Creative, is drawn to beauty in all its forms, and loves loving on people. You can find more of her musings at
Haha, Your a popular girl, invited to the party multiple times- 6 degrees and all
Looks great Becky … I'm rooting for you. And I love that you shine the light on some fellow mates. Well done .
Loved reading more about you and your heart, Becky!