What do you desire?

What do you yearn for?

What is it that you actually *need* so that your body & spirit are fulfilled?

What “medicine” do you require so that you’re sourced, vitalized, and have the energy to show up in the world?

Maybe that looks like rest and alone time.

Maybe that means taking a run on a trail.

Perhaps you need to sit by the ocean and let her catch your tears.

Or, maybe—just maybe—you need to be in service to touch … to offer it exquisitely, and to receive it in a state of blissful surrender.

Whatever it is that fuels and regenerates you: DO IT.

With snake medicine, this regenerative energy will be sourced through the body and its connection to touch and nature.

Snake Priestesses know that this is absolutely a requirement for them to regulate their nervous system and be sustained through all they do, every day.

This is not something to be ashamed of and it’s also not something that you can compromise.

This is about loving the holiness of all, so you can be present for life the best you can.

That means honouring your sacred needs.