Many of us give & give of ourselves.

We become tired, restless, and resentful.

How do you regenerate your energy?

Better yet, what energetic hygiene do you practice to stay centered in yourself (instead of feeling everything and everyone)?

When you’re a Sensitive One whose nervous system and body senses life on high alert, how do process that information without burning out?

I know it’s not easy at times. I have that electric body, too. The one that picks up all the static.

Nature, Earth is one of the most powerful ways to re-source ourselves and to source ourselves to begin with.

We remember our infinite connection to All Life when we connect with nature.

We find our breath.

We center into our hearts.

We can listen to the truth.

We can claim our wisdom.

We can be fully present & occupy our precious bodies.

There’s a—literally—infinity loop, an umbilical cord even, between us and the land; after all, this planet is our mama. She nourishes us. She literally gives us life & sustains us.

So … breathe with her, into her, back to her—in gratitude, in reciprocal love.

The greatest teaching of snake medicine (#snakepriestessing) is our connection to the land. 🙏