Primal wisdom is the native intelligence that lives inside you, sniffing out the truth.

It occupies the belly of your ancestors, passed down, generation after generation into your bones.

It’s the part of you that digs your nails deep into the fecund soil of your memory, pulling back the dirt—until you find the brilliant, radiant root of who you really are.

Primal wisdom surges through your cells when you’re plugged into the land—in lovership with the reciprocal nature of life—whilst intimately knowing death is closer for you every day … but your joy comes from living…

…from being present, from being here, from sucking the nectar out of every possible moment.

…Even the moments of terrible beauty.

This is the power of the lovi: The middle place.

The space that straddles the worlds of here and there.

Of life and death.

Of dissolution and regeneration.

This place lives in the body & is so deeply re-membered when in intimate connection to our land-bodies and the lovis of our bodies.

For those with vulvas, this IS the vulva!

It’s the magnificent gateway to the mysteries of all life. It’s the most sacred, the holy of holies.

And when rooted, it’s the source of our vitunväki. Our real power.

We see it in nature. Like in this photo—this crevice, this opening, this lovi, the holy of holy Stone Vulva of life & regenerative death.

Through nature, we remember who we are, the power we hold: like Snake Mother, who sheds, releases, and creates life.

How lucky we are. How blessed we are. What reverence this brings to the simplicity of every moment, activating our primalwisdom.