
A Medicine Woman, a wisened woman, a mother, who claims her sexual power as healing medicine.

She’s refined and untamed; she’s deeply rooted in herself and life … and this allows her to become wildly untethered because she knows her way back home to herself.

She knows how to hold herself and this allows her to become unhinged, free, in her primal, instinctual expression which reverberates through every cell in her luminous body.

This also allows her to hold others.

To hold life:

The challenges, its dark mysteries.

All of it.

You can trust her.

Because she trusts HERSELF.

We don’t see many examples of the dark (rooted), wild feminine in this way: The one who holds profound honor and respect for self and others, yet is vitally, radiantly alive in her sensual freedom.

This primal wisdom is within all of us and it’s about tapping into our personal expression of how life wants to dance within … without shame … and with a dose of levity, too.

Now … imagine we teach our daughters how to connect with their natural life force in a way that is held with wisdom.

They learn its power.

They learn not to manipulate or be manipulated through their sexuality, their bodies.

And they learn not to feel any shame for the power they inherently hold, for the feminine body is powerful. It is the power of creation. Of magnetism.

This is innate. Natural.

There’s nothing sinful or wrong or dirty about this.

The reason it gets misused is because we’ve stopped teaching our daughters.

…And we’ve forgotten how to harness this for ourselves with integrity, honor, and ravenous beauty.

Our rawly refined sexual power IS MEDICINE when directed with integrity.

It’s one way we heal ourselves, others, and this aching planet.