We get really scared to express ourselves, to show our hearts, and just be who we are.


We worry about not being accepted, met, seen, loved, liked, understood, celebrated.


We fear not belonging—as though this is even possible.


I’m here to tell you there’s no such thing as NOT belonging.


We all belong to ourselves and to one another … and to this earth.


So, take a (perceived) risk.


Share what’s on your mind, heart, soul.


Dance it out.


Make love.












That’s where we meet eachother.


Where the child in you meets the child in me.


Where we reconnect in holy innocence.


Where we swim past fields of wildflowers, alive in vibrant song.


Where we feel our inherent freedom — that true essence of who we really are — dancing with the moon and singing to the stars.


We raise our hands to the horizon-lights, swaying in the north — ribbons of electric love — reminding us of the beauty in each moment, the joy in each breath, the unbelievable gift of being human, in this body, now, on earth.


So … express yourself. Express yourself in the most pure, true way that you feel right now.


At this moment, there is a tight knot in my throat, shivers up my spine, and my head feels full. My fingers on fire.


My belly hungry.


Hungry for you. Hungry for you to show up.


Hungry for you to be on fire with the love you are.


Hungry for us to make love to this world.


Hungry for us to celebrate being alive!


Hungry for the call in our throats to open wide so that it vibrates off the walls of humanity, shaking us to our core; our feet firm on the ground, as the rumbling waves of earth greet us, to dance with us, to remind us we are all One.


I am done holding back. I am done hiding. I am done masking.


I am done!


I will shake. I will flap. I will cry.


I will feel it all: The pain of my heart breaking open so hard, it cracks open the sky, aflame, and the north reminds us we’re home. We’re home on this earth.


We are worthy of being here.


We are worthy of each breath we take.


We are worthy of love.


All of us.


So, please: Express yourself.


Share your truth.


Show us who you really are.


I dare you.