by Rebecca Cavender | healing, sacred self-expression, self-love, Snake medicine, writing
Imagine… A Medicine Woman, a wisened woman, a mother, who claims her sexual power as healing medicine. She’s refined and untamed; she’s deeply rooted in herself and life … and this allows her to become wildly untethered because she knows her way back home to...
by Rebecca Cavender | acceptance & inclusion, healing, love
It feels like our world has gone mad. As though there is a madness that has seeped through us that’s so deep and so wide, that it’s allowed people to justify all kinds of atrocities. We’ve forgotten we are family. Distant cousins. Kin. Each one of...
by Rebecca Cavender | acceptance & inclusion, autism & girls, autism writings, changing life, changing stories, debunking myths, essays, healing, intuition, no cure, no prevention, self esteem, self-love, soul, soul essence |
I’ve always known I’m different. As a young girl, I sought refuge in the forest, talking to trees, creeks, fairies. I lived within a rich world, teeming with imagination so tangible, I could touch it. Taste it. Feel it. Like magic, stories flowed out my fingers into...
by Rebecca Cavender | acceptance, autism & girls, autism writings, changing stories, divine feminine, healing, intuition, self-love, vulnerability |
“Tonight I can write the saddest lines…” Neruda’s sentiments echo through me this evening as I recall my 10 year old daughter’s words: “I don’t think it’s smart to keep being myself. It makes things worse. People say I’m weird, crazy, psycho, strange. I think I have...
by Rebecca Cavender | devotion, healing, healing the masculine + feminine, love |
There are moments when your heart cracks wide open … when you’re humbled by the tender beauty another offers from theirs, without attachment. There are moments when you taste hope peeking between the crevice of old wounds, a seed of restoration, a bright...
by Rebecca Cavender | acceptance, compassion, empathy, healing, love, self-honor, self-love, the world, trauma |
Chances are – the sensitive soul you are – you’re feeling the heaviness of what’s going on in the world. We are in the midst of turbulent times. Countries are aching. Families are aching. Communities are crying out to be seen, to be recognized...