Every year, on NYE or NYD, I go through my “Magical Words” workbook to discover my words of the year.

The words become guides—like a North Star—to help navigate what my heart desires.

This year, the words are:


…and, I continue to be in a relationship (for the 3rd year) with two Finnish words:

Väki & Lovi.

I really want to feel my erotic freedom, passion, and vitality … to feel my innate wholeness … to feel fully alive in my body—especially after going deep last year in eradicating shame.

I LOVE etymology, so I’ll nerd out over here with you for a moment.

VIBRANT comes from the word vibrans and the PIE (Proto Indo-European) root means to “turn, vacillate, tremble ecstatically.”

I love this because it shows the movement, the ecstatic aliveness, and the expression that wants to be felt within me.

RADIANT is all about beaming, shining, beauty … about emitting energy, emitting the light from the dark—from the unknown, the mystery.

VOLUPTUOUS is fun. I mean. Come on. I AM voluptuous in the way we now describe bodies. But, the word really used to mean: abundance, delightful, and pleasure from the senses. The PIE comes from the word “Wel,” which means to wish, to will. In Old Norse, wel = vilja (will).

So, this voluptuous abundance of beauty and sensual aliveness comes from a wish—a desire—and a will to create it!

LOVI is Finnish & has a lot of meanings in Finno-Ugric mythology — including entering a transcendental space (in-between worlds; langetta loveen = trance that a noita/medicine person would take, in a journey).

It also refers to an opening, like the yoni (a passage between life/death/sex).

VÄKI is about power. There’s many different kinds of väki; everything has its own väki. I’ve been apprenticing with maan väki (earth power) and vitun väki (cunt power) the past year. Both directly to the staff work (seid inspired/#völva). All connected to the #snakepriestess.

We’ll see what happens in 2023…

I’m so excited to see how these words serve me over this year.

What are your words of the year?

Pop them into the comments!